Adaptive Movement Strategies Workshop with Filip Droszcz

Studio Neukölln
Saturday, 04 February 2023, 10a.m. – 3p.m.
70€ per person

Adaptive Movement Strategies is a training system inspired by Fighting Monkey practice.

Fighting Monkey was developed by founders Jozef Frucek and Linda Kapetanea through a deep study of cross motion analysis, with the aim of understanding principles of human movement, communication and the aging process.

It’s a set of tools that can help us:

  1. Better cope with unpredictable environments
  2. Update our motor control strategies and support longevity
  3. Expand our movement repertoire
  4. Create new learning strategies

Our tools:

  1. Movement Scenarios: partner games simulating the unpredictability of life, allowing us to test how universally valid is our movement
  2. Local/Global Topography: practices that provide us with internal feedback and possibility to correct movement strategies, supporting longevity and reducing cost of movement
  3. Fantastic Worlds: improvisation landscapes that expand your movement repertoire while allowing you to make your own discoveries

For who?

  • Beginners looking for a way to enter their movement journey
  • Movement enthusiasts looking for tools that will expand their movement repertoire
  • Personal trainers and physiotherapists who seek creative solutions for their clients
  • Dancers, grapplers and other athletes who wish to counterweight the demands of their disciplines
  • Those who seek autonomy in learning, rehabilitation and development

About the Instructor

Filip Droszcz is an artist (researcher, practitioner, teacher). For seven years, he has been fully committed to discovering how can we improve ourselves through physical practice. The quest for better communication is a central point in his life – communication with himself and the socio-physical landscape he is operating in.

Filip has an interest in the science of dance, motor learning and motor control. He often collaborates with other practitioners and researchers – as he believes that only through collaboration and dialogue is it possible to find the best solution for a given problem. He applies his experience and knowledge to teaching regular classes in Warsaw and offers his support to people from different walks of life.

Cancellation Policy

Please refer to Filip’s website for more information.