Acroyoga & Partner Acrobatics Classes
What is acroyoga?
Acroyoga combines the power of acrobatics with the mindfulness of yoga, connecting two (or more!) people in a playful way. And it’s easier than it looks! Because it uses technique instead of, say, strength, anyone can learn acroyoga — regardless of age, gender or size.
A regular acroyoga practice will help improve strength, balance, flexibility, coordination, and spatial awareness — a truly holistic workout that can be enjoyed with friends! By working together, we also learn how to build trust, communicate effectively, and reach new heights with each other.
Acroyoga also includes therapeutic flying (based on Thai massage techniques), which is perfect for sore muscles after an intensive training session!
In general, we use “acroyoga” to mean L-basing approaches to acro (where the base is lying down).
What is partner acrobatics?
Partner acrobatics (or partner acro) is a circus discipline involving multiple people. Like acroyoga, it requires strong coordination and communication between partners, and a regular practice will build strength, flexibility, mobility, body awareness, and balance. We tend to think of it as acroyoga, but crazier — but in truth, it is hard to tell where acryoga ends and partner acro begins. For anyone with a healthy sense of fearlessness and a desire to push expand their physical limits in a fun, playful way!
In general, we use “partner acro(batics)” to mean standing approaches to acro (where the base is standing). It can also mean higher-level L-basing, such as Icarian skills.
Which level is right for me?
Below are the prerequisites for our acroyoga and partner acrobatics classes. For fuller class descriptions, please click on the particular class you’re interested on our class schedule page.
Level 0 (Intro): None.
Level 1 (Advanced Beginner): None, but a regular practice in another type of sport (e.g. yoga, dance, weight training, etc.) or the ability to do a forward roll, cartwheel or headstand is helpful, though not required.
Level 2 (Intermediate): Students should be comfortable basing or flying basic poses such as shoulder stand, star, side star, etc. This level focuses on aspects such as base footwork and flyer stability, with some pops, whips, and other dynamic skills.
Level 2+ (Intermediate+): Students should be able to perform beginner flows and sequences, even new material, with ease. This level begins to introduce advanced skills such as full whips, Icarian, and hand-to-hand.
Level 3 (Advanced): Students should be able to transition through basic and intermediate-level poses with ease, as well as have some technical (though not necessarily practical) knowledge of pops, whips, and hand-to-hand.
Do I need a partner to participate in an acroyoga class or jam (open training)?
Absolutely not! While acroyoga is a partner sport and you will be practicing in groups, you do not need to come with a partner. In fact, we encourage participants to mix and mingle to help gain a deeper understanding of how their own bodies and other people’s bodies work.
But I’m shy.
Don’t let that get in the way! Acroyoga tends to foster an open atmosphere, and we do our best to ensure participants are comfortable with each other. You don’t have to come with the intention of making friends, but don’t be surprised if it happens.
Is acroyoga dangerous?
As with every sport, there are certain physical risks to doing acroyoga. To minimize these risks, in addition to teaching and demonstrating proper safety measures, we always practice in groups with at least one spotter (or more if needed). Spotters help ensure that flyers still land safely in the event of a fall.
What safety equipment do you have?
Our entire acroyoga room floor is outfitted with tatami mats used in professional martial arts training and competition — specially designed to protects athletes by absorbing impact from falls.
We also have thick (4 cm) roll mats and crash mats in the studio.
How should I prepare for an acroyoga class? What should I bring?
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes that you can move in (regular sports clothes will do just fine), water, and a towel if you tend to get sweaty. Most importantly, bring an open attitude and be ready to play!
In terms of etiquette, please keep in mind that acroyoga is a close contact activity. It would be considerate of others to be mindful of your personal hygiene before coming to class.
Please also observe our general studio rules.
I still have questions!
We’re happy to answer them! Write or call us here.